Seven Spooktacular Songs for Your Halloween Playlist

So, you’re getting ready for your big Halloween bash, eh? If you want your party to make an impression that’ll last for many All Hallow’s Eves to come you’ll need to make sure you’ve got all the essentials covered.

Sure, you’ve got your age-appropriate costume, party games, food, drinks, and lots (and lots and lots and lots) of candy, but have you given any thought to your Halloween Playlist?

Best O' Boingo
Image via Amazon.

Please, oh please, don’t tell me you were just gonna connect your iPhone to the stereo and put it on shuffle! Do yourself (and your guests a favor). Add these seven songs to your soirée’s soundtrack for a fiendishly good time.

Monster Mash

The Monster Mash sounds just as campy today as when old Bobby ‘Boris’ Pickett & The Crypt Kickers recorded it fifty years ago. It’s good fun that tickles everyone’s funny bone.

Werewolves of London

Everyone knows that werewolves are complete party animals and Warren Zevon showed us that those London lupines are no exception.



No Halloween playlist would be complete without at least one Rob Zombie song. The man lives everyday like it’s Halloween—I mean just look at the guy! What better song from the Zombie catalog for your evening’s listening pleasure than this little ditty about the Munster’s drag racer?

Rob Zombie: Past, Present and Future
Image via Amazon.

Dead Man's Party

Oingo Boingo’s annual Día de Los Muertos shows were a 1980s LA staple until frontman, Danny Elfman, swapped writing kooky new wave music for writing kooky music for kooky Tim Burton movies. Dead Man’s Party represents the best and most fun music from that period.


If it weren’t for the his contribution to the Ghostbusters Soundtrack, I’d have never heard of Ray Parker Jr. and that would have been a shame because this song is as fun as the movie was.

Re Your Brains

I may be late jumping on the JoCo bandwagon, but I’m sure enjoying the ride! Yes, this song is about an email correspondence between two co-workers, one of whom just happens to be a zombie intent on eating the other’s brains. It wouldn’t work nearly as well as it does if it weren’t for the fact that Coulton remains one heck of a musician and vocalist.


As classic as Michael Jackson’s Thriller is as a song, it’s an even better music video. Take a page out of the Philipino inmates’ handbook and bust out MJ’s moves for a group number on the dance floor.

While I can’t guarantee your party’s success, I can promise you that at least the music won’t stink if you stick to my suggestions.

What songs made the cut onto your Halloween playlist? Sound off in the comments below.

All images are from my flickr, unless otherwise noted.