Hey, Wait a Minute (I Wrote a Post)


A few weeks ago the fine folks at Mac.Appstorm issued a call for writers and I responded.

After reviewing some of my previous posts here and elsewhere they said they’d be glad to welcome me into the fold.

My first post went up today! Following along the lines of my Lucky 7’s theme, I’ve listed 7 Delightfully Nerdy Apps for Math and Science Geeks.

Head on over to Mac.Appstorm and let me know what you think.

1 thought on “Hey, Wait a Minute (I Wrote a Post)

  1. AustinDM

    Very nice, Ammonihah. I’m not much of an App-addict or even App-user, but I know a good article when I read one, and that sir was a good article.

    It still floors me the realization that they got to the moon under less processing power than is contained in iPhones.

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