Favorite Things: DGC Rarities Volume 1

DGC Rarities Vol. 1

Growing up in the 90s, one of the coolest albums I ever bought was DGC Rarities Volume 1. I played the heck out of that thing! Through the magic of the Internet I recently re-discovered this awesome compilation and now, nearly 20 years later, it’s one of my favorite things.

Released in 1994, it was very much a product of its time—full of grunge and college radio tunes by some of the biggest (and some of the most obscure) bands of the era.

Chock full of covers, B-sides, and demos, DGC Rarities featured some of my favorite songs of all time. This album is worth a listen for the inclusion of Pay to Play by Nirvana alone (released under the name Stay Away with updated lyrics on the classic Nevermind), but there’s much more to enjoy if you’ve got the inclination.

A complete track listing is provided below in case you need any additional convincing.

  1. Teenage Fanclub, Mad Dog 20/20
  2. Nirvana, Pay to Play
  3. Weezer, Jamie
  4. Cell, Never Too High
  5. Hole, Beautiful Son
  6. Beck, Bogusflow
  7. Sonic Youth, Compilation Blues
  8. that dog., Grunge Couple
  9. Counting Crows, Einstein on the Beach (For an Eggman)
  10. The Posies, Open Every Window
  11. Sloan, Stove/Smother
  12. St. Johnny, Wild Goose Chasing
  13. Murray Attaway, Allegory
  14. The Sundays, Don’t Tell Your Mother

You can download DGC Rarities from Amazon, Google Play, or iTunes for under $10. At less than a buck per track for the entire collection of 14 songs, it’s a steal.

Sadly, there never was a DGC Rarities Vol. 2, but if it had been released, which songs do you think would have made the cut? Sound off in the comments below.

Album art courtesy of Geffen Records

5 thoughts on “Favorite Things: DGC Rarities Volume 1

    1. Ammon Post author

      Sonic Youth was really hit or miss for me. However, they did do my all-time favorite cover of a Capenters Song . . .

  1. noisynoodle

    I too have this album… somewhere…and it got a good shellacking from me in the 90’s! I would chuck in Boss Hog and Elastica if I was to compile Vol. 2.

    1. Ammon Post author

      Ooooh, I remember Elastica! Connection is the only song I remember from back then. Any good demos or B Sides worthy of a rarities type album?

    2. noisynoodle

      Now you’re stretching my memory! I think there may have been a decent b-side on a single or sampler I had… Boss Hog are worth a look if you like the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion or Pussy Galore.

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