Category Archives: Videos

Arrested Development Easter Eggs on Netflix

The Final Countdown

They (Fox) made a huge mistake and now Netflix is set to prove that there’s still plenty of gold to be mined by the show’s incredible ensemble and writers. Unless you’ve been living under a banana peel then you already know that Arrested Development is coming back in a big way.

Netflix hasn’t been shy about promoting the fact that they are resurrecting AD. Starting May 26th, subscribers will be able to stream all 15 episodes of the new season.

I recently discovered that the Netflix site is crawling with Arrested Development themed Easter eggs. Most of them are related to fake shows that were referenced during the series’ brief run. Here are a few of my favorites.



In this edition of “true stories, ripped from the headlines” Tobias starred as George, Sr. while Dave Attel portrayed Tobias. This episode highlighted the Bluth family’s fall from grace.

World’s Worst Drivers

Worlds Worst Drivers

Lucille was featured on this reality series featuring the worst drivers in—you guessed it—the world. That she regularly drove while intoxicated and/or under the effects of narcotics may have been a contributing factor.

El Amor Prohibido

El Amor Prohibido

The title of this Novela, or Spanish language soap opera, means “the forbidden love”. This is exactly what was going on between Michael and the star of the show, Marta, who just happened to be dating his hermano, GOB.

Franklin Comes Alive

Franklin Comes Alive

GOB and his extremely un-PC puppet, Franklin Delano Bluth, sing, tell jokes, and manage to offend everyone in so doing. This could be why Marta was keen on ditching him for Michael (“Who is this hermano?”).

Boyfights (or Lucha de Muchachos)


George, Sr. used to egg the boys on until they’d fight. He filmed their fights and sold VHS tapes outside the US.

One last thing …

5 Bananas

When you rate Arrested Development online you don’t rate it in stars. Instead you use bananas. After all, “there’s always money in the banana stand (wink, wink).”

In closing, here’s a clip from the upcoming and final season of AD

“No Smoking”

Have you managed to find any other Easter eggs on Netflix (I’m counting at least five more)? If so, sound off in the comments below.

All images in this post are from Netflix, unless otherwise noted.

I Have a Dream

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This Monday kids will be home from school and many businesses across the United States will close in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy.

Nearly 50 years ago Dr. King delivered one of the greatest speeches ever recorded. Watch the video below.

Are we any closer to the fulfilling of King’s dream today than we were back when he shared it in front of the Lincoln Memorial? I’m not sure—especially when the copyright for this speech belongs to a private corporation and not in the public domain where it belongs.

What can we do to make this dream a reality? Sound off in the comments below.

The Muppets + Star Wars = Nexus of All Awesomeness

The Muppet Show

Image via Wikipedia

When I was a kid, something magical happened each Friday night. The whole family gathered around the TV to watch The Muppets until we laughed ourselves silly.

No skit has had more enduring appeal to me than a very special, Star Wars themed Pigs in Space.

Luke Skywalker, Artoo, Threepio, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, & more stared in spectacularly unforgettable sketch.

To my young, impressionable mind this was coolest thing that had ever happened in the history of the universe.

What was your favorite Muppet moment? Sound off in the comments below.

Napoleon Dynamite to Return with More Delicious Bass

Writer/director Jared Hess is bringing his 2004 cult-classic, Napoleon Dynamite, to the silver screen and giving it an animated paint job.

Usually, I don’t have much hope for movie-to-TV conversions. However, this show has two things going for it, bodaggit!

  1. The original cast is returning: Napoleon, Kip, Uncle Rico, and Pedro will be back.
  2. It’s on Fox: No one has a better track record with animated, primetime series than the studio that brought us The Simpsons and King of the Hill.

When the Napoleon Dynamite animated series airs sometime in 2012 will you be tuning in? Sound off in the comments below.

Who Said Sketch Comedy Was Dead?

Sketch Comedy is most definitely not dead (despite all attempts made by Saturday Night Live over the last ten years to kill it).

If you want confirmation, look no further than this brilliant clip from BBC One‘s The One RonnieMy Blackberry Is Not Working!.

Wow—I loved that!

The writing is great, the timing is fantastic, and the performances were hilarious.

"It's goodnight from me." "And ...

Image via Wikipedia

There used to be Two Ronnies, but one of them passed away, unfortunately. The surviving Ronnie, (Ronnie Corbett), is a beloved comedic icon in his native UK.

I’ll definitely be looking for more of both the One and the Two Ronnies.

What did you think of that clip? What’s the funniest sketch you’ve seen lately? Sound off in the comments below.

Me Do Anything

I’ve mentioned my son’s obsession with the Justice League in the past. The other day I caught this clip featuring my favorite doppelgänger, Bizarro, and thought it was too funny not to share.

Bizarro Do Anything, originally uploaded by abeckstrom.

I love the look of realization that crosses Bizarro’s face just before he gets his face re–arranged. I guess it just goes to show that some guys will do anything to impress a girl that’s not even remotely interested in them.